Thursday, February 4, 2010

Anatomy: Sharing..Mungkin Berguna..

salam..dear friends..

just nak share sum of problems yg prof2 anat kongsi masa lecture..ade yg dia kate penting, ade yg dia sebut yg mana saya catat jela..kot2 ter'REM sleep' ke sekejap mase lecture, huhu, ade yg xtercatat..tengok2lah ye, kot2 la kuar dalam soklan jgn bace part lesion je..bace la the whole pasal mende tu..

1) Dangerous layer of scalp (infection + black eye)
2) Cephahematoma
3) Eupophora (paralysis of lacrimal part of orbicularis oculi)
4) Dangerous area of face (infection --> cavernous sinus thrombosis)
5) Enlarged thyroid gland (e.g goiter) + cane nak differentiate whether it's thyroid gland swelling or not
6) Bell's palsy (facial nerve)
7) Brachial cyst (embryo)
8) Lesion of cerebellum (plus katenye, kat cerebellum ni tekan cerebellum peduncles + function of each lobe + klu dia tanye arterial supply, bagi origin sekali i.e. branch from artery ape)
9) Partial deafness
10) Causes of loss of taste sensation of anterior 2/3 of tongue: damage of tympanic membrane & damage of chorda tympani)

Alla the best!! Semoga Allah najahkan kita semua..insyaAllah~

1 comment:

ubat_hati said...

wlaupon ter REM sleep tym lect,sempat eh salin smpai 10 spot quest!tu ter REM sleep..klu reticular formation system 4 alertness awk intact,bygkan bpe byk lg awk bley salin tuh~whoa!![kagum2]..masyaALLAH..jazakillah 4 sharing~