Saturday, May 30, 2009

Palestine Evergreen!!


lama tak menulis..bukan kekeringan idea tapi ke'kontang'an masa..
oh tidak! masa itu tidak pernah kering mahupun 'kontang' kerana Allah ciptakan ia CUKUP utk manusia sekalian..insyaAllah..terpulang kpd manusia yg menguruskannya~~

so what's the issue here in this post?

check this out! -->

Guys..its Palestine story again. endless story..
It will never end...but it may 'pause'..
Pause when the BULLSHIT ZIONISM did massacre..
At that can see everybody is excited to boycott..
But the truth is...did each of 'em really wish to boycott??

You tell me

But i got some 'refferences' for you if you can't answer me..
When the latest massacre done by zionist..KFC and MacD here in Mahattah Raml were really 'uninhabited'..only one or maybe up to three tables were 'occupied'..
But come and see right now in these two places..
Even if the restaurant (MacD) is 'black-out'..(..this is a true story..i was there with my heart not~huhu..terpaksa~) still people enter to make an order..

Hmm..kenapa masa serangan tu dorang beriya boikot eh?
adakah sebab org lain boikot so ikut skali la...kang tak ikut kang orang pertikai plak..
hopefully not, mungkin mereka tidak tajdid jiwa Palestin diorang..yea, i believe that..
So, apalagi!!! Update there in Palestine Evergreen blog!

Jutaan terima kasih diucapkan buat Perubatan Cawangan Iskandariah (PCI) atas usaha murni mereka ini!! Moga Allah memberatkan mizan anda dan kita semua..ameen insyaAllah..


1 comment:

undigested onion said...

ade org ckp kfc out of list...ade org ckp kfc bleh mkn...
try cek erk...